Your home’s foundation is not as solid as you’d like read more here. You may notice door jambs or wall fissures as well as other signs of a failing structure. Your wallet may start to pound as you think about this. You don’t have to worry. An inexpensive underpinning may be the answer.
Jane is one of my best friends. When she found those cracks, she felt like she was in a haunted home. Jane, queen of DIY repairs, tried to use plaster to fill the cracks. The device did not work. She called in the experts. She almost fainted when she first heard the quotes. After some research she found alternatives that did not involve her giving up kidneys.
What is the first action? Becoming aware of what you’re doing. Underpinning is the process of strengthening a building’s foundation. It may seem like a huge undertaking, but the cost is not always high.
Jane’s budget was met by the heaped-under approach. Imagine that the existing structure could be supported by tiny pillars in the ground. This would not require complete demolition. In some ways, it resembles a crutch. Jane was saved by this choice. What more could she want?
A resin injection is another option. When a stone is thrown in a pond, ripples are created. This is what the approach achieves. A unique resin is used to fill in the gaps and compact the soil beneath the foundation. Jane’s solution worked for her and didn’t affect her finances.
Who doesn’t like choices? There’s also the traditional foundational method. The foundation is excavated and concrete is poured into the ground. It is labor intensive, but it can be a great solution for some properties, especially older ones. Jane joked that it was like “literally getting at the root of the issue.”
Homeowners should also consider speaking to a structural engineer. There will be an initial cost but you could save a lot of money in the long run. This method may allow you to determine the most economical and efficient solution for your problem. It never hurts to get a second opinion. Imagine finding out that a small adjustment will suffice in place of a major renovation. Cha-ching!
The price. Affordable does not mean cheap or low-quality solutions. It’s important to find a balance between cost and durability. Consider buying a used, reliable bike instead of a new, flashy one that will break apart when you hit a bump. With careful selection, you can get a quality underpinning without having to pay a lot.
Don’t fall into the trap that you must choose the most expensive option. Look into grants and loans for home improvement. Have you ever heard the saying “where there is a will there is a way?” This is also true in this case.
Jane’s short foray into underpinnings was insightful. Her house no longer sounds like a pirate vessel during a storm. How about her bank balance? Making wise decisions has left her bank account intact, and perhaps even a little heavier.
Let’s be honest, it’s not enjoyable to spend weekends worrying about foundations. Sometimes the loudest scream is needed to detect the smallest crack. Choosing the right balance between reliability and cost may be your greatest home improvement.