They are a wonderful and essential part of a healthy diet. The mushrooms enhance food flavors, as well as providing a range of benefits for health, from reducing the size of tumours (and others claim to cure cancer entirely) to improving the immune system to supplying needed vitamins and nutrition to the diet. The low-calorie, simple to prepare ingredients can be added to almost any recipe. See soulcybin to get more info.
Cancer is the most common health problem that people worry about. One in two North Americans will develop cancer in their lifetime. It is quite a large number. We can influence these statistics through what we eat.
Our bodies are constantly filled with cancerous cells. When our bodies are in good health, the immune system and the other systems work to eliminate the cancer cells. Only when immunity is weak, the body is busy dealing with another threat or the immune is overwhelmed by the work of fighting off viruses and destroying toxic substances does illness set in. Unchecked cancer will spread and grow, eventually taking over your body.
The cancer threat isn’t just a concern. Some people get colds and flu viruses which cause temporary illnesses. Others, who are exposed to the virus, do not become ill. Some people are affected by an immune system that is out of control. Some people have an overactive immune system. These are diseases where the immune systems has become unable to recognize a danger and attack normal cells or system. The mushrooms can maintain a healthy immune system, so that you don’t suffer from the same illnesses as others.
What is your daily mushroom diet? You get tired of eating them, don’t you? The versatility of mushrooms is amazing. They can be used in salads and as a broth or tea. The dehydrated mushroom can be rehydrated with water, broth or green tea. You could also use vegetable juices and wine.
The following are some of the more well-known medicinal mushroom types and how they may help you achieve optimal health.
SHIITAKE – (shitake) The famous shiitake mushrooms contained a compound called lentinan. Lentinan, a polysaccharide found in the mushroom, is used to treat cancer in Japan. Lentinan is also a powerful immune booster that helps the body fight cold and flu virus, recover from infection and can even help HIV-positive patients improve their immune profile. It has been proved that other compounds in the mushroom can lower cholesterol levels. L-ergothioneine is another powerful antioxidant found in this Asian fungus. Shiitake mushrooms contain iron, selenium, fiber, and vitamin C.
ABM (agaricus murill blazei) – ABMs are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. The ABM helps diabetics to control their sugar levels, it lowers cholesterol. It reduces stress and prevents ulcers. This food also helps boost the immune function, and it is an anti-tumor powerhouse that can help fight cancer.
REISHI- helps asthmatics and those with pneumonia breathe easier by strengthening the lungs. Reishi contains anti-oxidants as well as fiber and selenium. It helps with allergies and fights against viruses. This is a potent anti-cancer substance. Ling Zhi-8 – a protein isolated by this fungi – also helps in reducing the risk of rejection after transplant.
MAITAKE: Also known as the “Hen of the Woods”, the Maitake is an effective cancer-inhibitor and tumor suppressant. The herb also helps diabetics lower their blood sugar, reduce cholesterol and blood pressure. The antibacterial properties of this herb and its immune system-boosting qualities help ward off viral infection.
CHAG – like most mushrooms, Chaga also modulates your immune system. This mushroom helps to detoxify, activates the central nervous, improves skin’s youthfulness, and boosts the immune system.
OYSTER- Because the quality of protein in oyster is almost as good as animal proteins, it’s a perfect meat alternative for vegans. This fungus contains iron, fibers, B1, and B2 vitamins and minerals. It is also a powerful anti-oxidant. The fruit has strong antitumor properties, as well as antiviral and antibiotic properties. It also reduces cholesterol.